Nana Aba Anamoah Allegedly Disgraced After Her Rich Boyfriend Pulled Up With Squad To Seize Her Range Rover

Instagram blogger, Mari Gyata is serving breakfast! The gossip blog has latched at media personality Nana Aba Anamoah’s gate to serve breakfast hot -hot!

Blogger Mari Gyata has revealed that Nana Ama Anamoah is apparently in distress as her rich boyfriend has seized her car.

She noted that the current Range Rover being used by Nana Aba Anamoah allegedly belongs to her man, Nana Doe.

And according to a report that has surfaced on social media, Nana Doe and his squad pulled up at a restaurant where Nana Aba was eating to pick up the car with a spare key.

It is unclear exactly why a supposed rich boyfriend would succumb his girl into such a disgrace but the source claims that Nana Aba has been begging and texting him to give the car back to her.

This is the second time that Nana Aba has gotten an issue with her car regarding who the rightful owner is.

The first one happened a few years back when she allegedly branded someone’s car and got it presented to her on her birthday.

It turned out the car wasn’t registered in her name and Adu Safowaa later claimed that the car was for Nana Doe who she was also dating at the time.

Currently, social media users are feasting on the gossip with many asking questions about whether Nana Aba Anamoah doesn’t have her own car.


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