Update on COLA Payment To Teachers from GNAT General Secretary

The General Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers Thomas T. Musah has sent a text message to teachers particularly members of GNAT updating them on the payment of the cost of living allowance which there is a lot of anticipation about.

In the text message the general secretary of GNAT indicated that the COLA for August will be paid and it will be left with 5 months outstanding payments including that of July.

What this mean is that the cost of living allowance arrears for July won't be paid in August.

If the arrears of July is not paid, it will cause a lot of agitation among teachers and other government workers.

Another pending strike by teachers could happen if it remains this way that July COLA arrears will not be paid in August.

Furthermore during the negotiation on the payment of the COLA government agreed to start the payment in August including the arrears of July. 

If the text message about the payment details from the GNAT general secretary is true then it means government has betray the trust of the workers unions as the payment plan agreed upon is not what manifesting.

Below is the text message from the GNAT general secretary concerning the payment of the COLA in August.

"Dear Comrades, Please after August COLA payment, we shall be left with five (5) months outstanding including JULY 2022. Thanks. THOMAS T. MUSAH GENERAL SECRETARY-GNAT"

Source: Ghanatrendingnews.com

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