How To Make Money From Blogging

Blogging is a lucrative online business and if done well can generate a steady flow of income.

First of all what is blogging?
Blogging is the act of running a blog or website where you publish posts on any topic or news on a regular basis.

People have made blogging their professional job and they make a living out of blogging.

Where To Start Blogging 
You can start blogging by creating a blog using WordPress ( or or Google Blogger (

If you're interested in starting blogging or you are already a blogger who wants to know multiple ways to make money from blogging then this post is for you.

You can make money from blogging through:
- Direct Ads
- Social Media Influencer Promotions,
- Sponsored Ads
- Google Adsense And Other Ad Networks
- Affiliate Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Selling Your Blog
- Sell Blog Merchandise
- Teach Others How To Blog
- Subscriptions And PDF Books

Now let's look at these ways of making money from blogging one after the other in details.

1. Direct Ads

If  your blog is poplar and get tons of traffic per day you can place direct ads on the blog and charge for it. It can be banner ads, sidebar ads or in-page ads.

2. Social Media Influencer And Brands Promotion

You can also do promotion of adverts for businesses or popular brands on your blog's social media pages like Facebook page or instagram page if your blog has so many followers and good organic reach. In this case you become a social media influencer.

3. Sponsored Posts 

You can do sponsored posts too. That is you ask people or businesses to sponsor a particular post or article either on your blog or on your blog's social media pages.

4. Google AdSense And Other Ads Network.

What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is an online advertisement program where you earn money with website monetization from Google.
Google places ads on your blog or website and gives you revenue based on the number of people who see or click on ads on your website or blog.
To learn more about Google AdSense, visit Google. com/adsense Other ad networks includes adsterra, infolinks, outbrain, taboola etc

5. Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

In simple terms what this means is that you earn money by referring people to buy a product or patronize the services of a business on your website or blog and you earn a commission any time a customer you refer buy from the business. 

So you become an affiliate. You can start with Amazon Affiliate Program.

6. Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing? Content Marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts etc) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. 

Here what you do is to write articles or posts on topics that promote a brand, a product or service and charge for it.

7. Sell Your Blog

If your blog is popular and has many traffic hits per month. You can decide to turn it into cash by putting it on offer for sale just like how tech start ups sell their business to big tech companies. 

If you intend to sell your blog in the future then put much work into it and brand it well.
8. Sell Merchandise of Your Blog. or Merch Related To Your Blog

You can brand your blog very well and turn it into a cash cow. 

What you do is to turn your blog into an irresistible brand and create some merchandise out of it like clothing merch like t-shirts, hoodies, caps with your blog name or logo printed on them. 

If you're into sports or football blogging you can add selling of jerseys to your blogging business. If you're into fashion blogging you can sell fashion stuffs alongside your blogging hustle.
9. Teach Others About Blogging

One other way to make money from blogging is by teaching others how to blog or turn your blogging experiences into advice and offer individuals those advice. 

You can do it by creating solely a special blog dedicated to teaching blogging and offering blogging tips and running ads on the blog or selling pdfs on blogging.

You can also create blogs for novices and starters who want to start blogging and charge for it.

10. Subscriptions And PDF Books Sale

If your blog is getting cult following, you can turn those cult followers into subscribers and charge them for your content. 

Additionally if your blog content is on education on certain topics or things, or on how to do certain things, your can turn that content into a hard copy paper book or a soft copy book like pdf and put it on sale.

So there you have it. Those are means of making money from blogging discussed above. They are the most popular means of making money from blogging.


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