Best Online Businesses You Can Start As Side Job or Full Time Job And Make Money

What is An Online Business?

First of all what is an online business? An online business is any business that uses the internet or social media in the promotion, marketing or selling a business products or services. Products can be in a form of digital products, website content, online service, physical product or physical service.

With this type of business you would not need a physical shop or office. You work from the comfort of your home at your own schedules.  You can use your phone or laptop to run an online business.

There are so many online businesses one can start as a side business or as a full time job and earn from it with little or no capital involved but require some commitment and hardwork.

In this post I will discuss some examples of online businesses one can start at home at low cost as a side job or full time job and make a steady flow of money as an income.

1. Blogging

Blogging is the act of running a website called blog where you publish posts on continuous and regular basis on topics you are passionate about or where you publish news stories or viral content.

You can monetize the blog through direct ads, sponsored posts or through ad networks like Google Adsense, Adsterra, Taboola, infolinks etc or monetization through affiliate marketing. 

A person who practice blogging is called a blogger. 

You can do general news blogging, or entertainment blogging, political blogging, tech blogging, sports or football blogging etc.

2. Online Tutoring

You start online tutoring services in a subject field or knowledge you're an expert in. 

If you're a footballer or passionate about football, you can start a football coaching website for kids or for amateur footballers who want to become professionals. 

You can do football videos and articles on football. As time goes on you can open a center where kids or amateurs can come for training. 

You use your website or social media page as a marketing tool. 

Not only football but you can also start an online education service that teaches students school subjects or an online tutoring service that teach people of any age who want to learn a specific skill or knowledge or want to learn a local language or an international language.

3. Sell PDF Books

You can create and sell pdf books of a course in a knowledge or skill you are an expert in and that skill or knowledge is in high demand. 

You can sell PDF Books on topics like digital marketing, sales, investment, tech manuals, recipe books or academic subjects or anything that a lot of people want to know or learn.

4. Online Fashion Boutique

You can start a business website or social media page for an online fashion boutique where you market and sell clothing, sneakers, shoes, hoodies, caps and other fashionable stuff and accessories that are in demand. 

5. Online T-shirt Business

If you have the means to print t-shirts or you are graphic designer or visual artist you can start an online T-shirt business where you design and print nice designs, hustle quotes and inspirational vibes on t-shirts. 

You can market and sell them online on social media or on your own website.

6. Drop Shipping

Drop Shipping is an online business where you don't have the products to sell but you list the products for sale.

Anytime a person makes an order you contact the one who has the product and ask the product owner to ship the product on your behalf or you get the product yourself and ship it to the customer.

You get a commission or percentage of the profit or you add your own profit to the price before listing them online for sale. 

You can list the products on your own online store or on your social media pages, stories and statuses. Or on Classified websites, or on online marketplaces, Facebook Marketplace etc

7. YouTube Blogging

These days a lot of the online cash is made from YouTube by content creators and vloggers. Vlogging means video blogging. 

You can earn on YouTube by uploading your own videos that you have copyright of. 

You can upload videos like music videos, funny comedy skits, drama, movies and video contents that can go viral. 

To be eligible to earn from your YouTube content, you must have achieved a minimum of 4,000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers.

8. Affiliate marketing

With affiliate marketing you will have to market or promote a product or service and any time a buyer you direct buy that product you make a commission. 

You will need to have a website or blog where you review products then include your affiliate links. You can start with the Amazon Affiliate Program.

9. Online Consult And Advisory Service

With this type of online business you can run it on a website or on a social media page. 

You will need to provide advice and consultation to people on matters that they need help in. It can be depression, how to be happy, business advice, Sales, Marriage, Dating, Entrepreneurship advice, Health matters and physical well being or you consult and advise in problems that are in high demand.  You can become a small business consultant, SEO consultant, social media marketing consultant, Sales consultant, business marketing consultant etc the list is endless.

10. Social Media Influencer

You can become a social media influencer and sell your social media space for ads. 

You start by building social media following overtime by posting hilarious and funny videos, viral and motivational content. etc.

You later start the social media influencer promotions for brands and businesses.

11. Website Design

You can also start a website design business where you design websites for individuals and businesses or teach people how to design websites.

If you don't have website design skills and knowledge you can start learning using WordPress or Google Blogger. 

If you have web design skills, you will need to develop a portfolio website to promote your web design services and also showcase examples of your work.

Social media and SEM (search engine marketing) can be used to generate customers. Alternatively you can list your services on Fiverr for easy customer generation.

12. Graphic Design

These days you don't need to know Photoshop or Corel Draw to do graphic design work. 

There are a lot of Apps that require less technical knowledge to use in designing stuffs. 

Online Graphic design business is a booming business now. You can start this business without any initial capital. There are android and iOS apps that you can use to design flyers, logos, banners etc for clients.

Venturing into the graphic design business will not require much except knowing some basics of design like elements and principles of design, color palettes, color blending, fonts and typography. 

You can have a business website to market your graphic design services or use social media. You can also list your services on Fiverr to connect with potential clients.

13. Digital Marketing

If you know the internet and the web in and out and has some marketing skills, you can start a digital marketing agency. 

With this type of online business you do advertisement, promotion, selling, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, web design, social media marketing and everything that revolves around business marketing on the internet. 

If you don't have these skills there are short courses online that teach and train people on digital marketing. You can use the Google Primer App to learn digital marketing or start with the Learn with Google Digital Skills Project which run a lot of courses including Digital Marketing with certification by Google.

14. E-Commerce

We cannot discuss online businesses without talking about e-commerce. E-commerce is a type of online business where products are sold on an online store and people can shop on these online stores and make payment without visiting a shop in the physical world. 

If you have the capacity and money you can venture into e-commerce also known as online store. You will need a website with e-commerce capabilities. 

One place to start  off is shopify or woo commerce on wordpress. If you already have an existing shop you take it online by setting up an online store for it. 

If you don't have an existing shop you will need to outsource your products elsewhere like alibaba or from local dealers.


You might even have new ideas which can generate money online. Don't hesitate to start exploring those ideas. There are many more online businesses you can explore and don't limit yourself to the ones that have been discussed.


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